Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadan Kareem


I want to wish everyone who stumbles upon my blog a blessed Ramadan. May Allah's blessings shower upon us. Ameen. May He forgive us our sins and accept our prayers, worship and fasts. Ameen. May He help all those who need help all over the world, and may He correct all our affairs, increase us in faith and guide us on the right path. Ameen.

Officially, fasting starts on Tuesday for me, but I already am feeling the Ramadan spirit!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Best Thing About Islam?

Assalamualaikum, how is everyone today?

Here are a few things which muslims say is the best thing about their religion:

* The perfection in defining how to live life

* The beauty of the Quran and its teachings

* It gives humankind a bond of brotherhood and unity, no matter what their race or color, our religion gives us a common ground

* How it all makes perfect sense

* It brings out the "Human Being" out of a man or a woman

* Waking up early morning at dawn and praying the morning prayer freshens and energizes our mind, and prepares us for the day ahead. It assures we have a good day, day after day, since our heart and mind start off with a good mood

* It is so simple to practice, and rids you of confusion

* It's the only Truth in a world full of Lies. We are the light in the darkness

* Our religion tells us exactly how to live regarding every single facet of our lives. Can anyone come up with a better way to live?

* Islam not only teaches us *What* we must do to attain a perfect life, but *How* to do it. It not only preaches good things, but it actually tells us how to achieve that state of goodness. By the example of our Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him), it has been practically demonstrated to us how to achieve that state. For example, others may say 'help the poor' but they fail to state how to help, how much to give, and what happens if we don't. But Islam goes ahead and tells us not only to help, but exactly how to go about doing it - it puts the duty of zakat (charity) on every Muslim who has wealth above a certain level, tells us to pay an exact 2.5% of that wealth to the poor, describes the rights/obligations, categorizes the people who are to receive that charity, and even tells us the consequences of not paying this money. It is the only solution to poverty. And this is just one solution to society's problems. Islam is chalkfull of examples of how to lead the perfect life.

* It gives your life a purpose, and a direction