Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shaking Hands

Women are discouraged from shaking hands with men who are not close relatives. It might seem strange in a Western context, because then it comes off as "not being polite", however, women in Islam are given a high status of respect and dignity, therefore, the higher standards are followed.

A British man came to a Sheikh and asked, "Why is not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?" The Sheikh said, "Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?" British man replied, "Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth". Sheikh replied with a smile on his face, "Our Women are Queens and Queens do not shake hands with strange men"...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Are We Here?

When unhappiness and tragedy befall people, they start to question basic questions of life - what is my purpose? Why am I here? Some people are driven by an inner motivation to continue asking and asking and searching for the truth.

Here is one such story. This might possibly be my favorite Revert Story of all time - I can watch this dozens of times over, and it always touches me deeply. An ordinary guy living in the western world, a western life, had a few things going badly in his life, and it lead him to question existence and its purpose. He researched so many different religions, but never found a satisfactory answer. He kept asking for a sign from God - anything, big or small. And in the end, he got it. A must-watch. Plus, its really hilarious!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Online Store Review: Shop the Souq

Well, well. I received my package from Shop The Souq (, so another review is in order.

If truth be told, I have a bit of an emotional attachment to this store, even though this was my first time buying hijabs from them. (Last time I just ordered tons of junk food... more on that later.) It's interesting how I found this place, because actually the store owner used to have a halal food blog ( which I found two years ago and diligently read all the posts of to figure out what we actually could and could not eat. I won't focus on the details of halal (Islamically permissible) food in this post, because that should be a completely different topic. Anyway, since then, I've had a huge amount of respect for the hard work that this person put in her blog, phoning or emailing each company to demand the truth of what enzymes and other animal derivatives were in various food products. When I found out she also had a hijab store, and also sold tons of halal food which we could not find anywhere else in the US, I just had to go visit. My first purchase from them was a box-full of Halal Flamin Hot Cheetos and Doritos (ones without the pork enzymes shipped in from Saudi). Yes, I'm not kidding.

Anyway, Shop The Souq is primarily a hijab store. It carries a vast array of scarves and other accessories such as underscarves, gloves, fancy pins, greeting cards, halal snacks, etc. They've recently started carrying jewelry, and oh my goodness, the storeowner has excellent taste! There's tons and tons of bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings and brooches in so many new designs! (I especially loved the little charm bracelets with handbags and shoes as charms. It is a must-see.) I have been watching this store for quite a while, and even though I have enough hijabs, I wanted to buy something from them at least once. Finally, I gave in and made a purchase.

I placed my order last weekend. They have so many different designs and styles and colors, its difficult to choose from. In the end, I ordered a Fairy Dust Solid Pashmina, a Sour Apple Solid Pashmina, a Multicolored Stripey Pashmina and a Turquoise underscarf. It seems like I grabbed the last of the fairy dust and stripey pashmina in that particular color, because when I went to look at those items again, they were out of stock. The package arrived pretty fast within a week, and everything has been so carefully packaged. Here are pictures from the Souq's website of the three of the four items I got:

Fairy Dust Pink Pashmina, Sour Apple Green Pashmina, and Turquoise tube undercap

Here are the items I received, unopened. Look at that top stripey pashmina - it's gorgeous!

A close-up of the Sour Apple and Fairy Dust pashmina

And my ultimate favorite hijab of all time - the Stripey pashmina. I had been casually browsing the store one day, when this caught my eye, and the colors and design on this are so much my taste, that this was the reason I placed my order

Aren't these colors beautiful?

The pink and green hijabs are viscose, and the stripey one is a cotton blend - and all of them are so soft! A friend of mine had recommended that I should try viscose, as they have a nice fall, and aren't as bulky, and it's true. I'm wearing my sour green apple scarf today, and it is so comfortable, I just cannot explain. I'm nearly falling asleep in it. =)  

I have to admit, when I opened my pink scarf, I was having a serious case of 'Consumer Post-Purchase Dissonance' (please excuse the use of terminology, it's the business administration major within me :p), and I was having some misgivings, because the pink was a bit too strong and darker than what it appeared in the photograph and I worried it wouldn't look good on me. But then I had the idea to pair it with the turquoise underscarf, and oh my goodness, I love it! The blue and the pink go so very well with each other, I couldn't stop looking at it - I mean, by itself, I might not have liked it as much, but I will forever be wearing this along with the blue underscarf, because it really brought out new life to it. What a relief!

The Souq is an amazing store. They have a wide variety of product items, reasonable prices, and fast shipping. They have free giveaways from time to time. The last giveaway just passed, and three people who entered the contest will be winning a choice of any two scarves plus an accessory of their choice and have them shipped to them for free! I mean, how amazing is that?

Though, the best thing about this store are not the products. I mean, the products are excellent quality and everything. But the main reason I like this place is because of the store owner herself -  she is the most kind-hearted and friendly person. Customer Service at this place is beyond excellent - you can ask any sort of question, and you can be sure to receive an answer within a couple hours, with tons of helpful suggestions. If there's something out of stock, you can feel free to let her know you'd want to make an order on it, and she will be do her very best to get those items and let you know when she has them again. I mean, in this day and age, with everyone focusing on making a profit, who really cares about these things? But her personality is the epitome of what a true muslim should be like - making sure she helps people out, not because it's benefitting her, but simply, because as a muslim, this is what we're all told to be like. I paid a standared shipping cost of $5. My package arrived, and I noticed that the postage on the packet said $7.90. Do you know who paid the difference? The store owner did. This wasn't a one time thing either. She always covers the extra cost of shipping for most products sold at her store. I've also heard she regularly throws in free items, like free scarves, or hijab accessories, at no extra cost to people who purchase around $40-$50 worth of stuff. Again I ask, in this day and age, who does things like this?

Lazeena ukhti, if you ever do come across this, I want to say, may Allah bless you for everything you do. Your akhlaq (manners and personality) are the epitome of a true muslimah, and may we all be like you, inshaAllah. I pray Allah gives you an increase in business and happiness and peace to you and your family.

So these were my two reviews on two different stores. I am not going to bring any rivalry in here and say that one is better than another - no, we already have too much strife going on out there in the world to have petty rivalries amongst ourselves. Both of my muslim sisters-in-faith are doing an excellent job bringing these hard to find items to us, and I wish them well. They are both unique in their own ways - Middle Eastern Mall has more of a larger store feel to it. And Shop The Souq has a very 'personal boutique' atmosphere. May Allah give them both an increase in business and bless them and theirs always, ameen.