Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shaking Hands

Women are discouraged from shaking hands with men who are not close relatives. It might seem strange in a Western context, because then it comes off as "not being polite", however, women in Islam are given a high status of respect and dignity, therefore, the higher standards are followed.

A British man came to a Sheikh and asked, "Why is not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?" The Sheikh said, "Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?" British man replied, "Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth". Sheikh replied with a smile on his face, "Our Women are Queens and Queens do not shake hands with strange men"...


  1. Assalamu alaikum. My wife has been following your blog for a little while now, I believe, and I just spent some time reading over some of it and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I am from the US and grew up in a Christian family. My wife introduced me to Islam in college many years ago now. Someday I need to write up something to post on that. Keep uo the good work!

  2. @ Ariff Minnich: Wa'alaikum assalam. Thanks for your comment - it serves as a reminder for me that I need to blog more frequently and put up more posts.

  3. Assalamu Alaikum, Dania! Masha'allah, what a great blog you have! I loved this's pretty funny but very true! It is kind of like what I was going to say on my Islamic blog, ha ha! :D Your posts are very well said, masha'allah! I think I might just follow your blog....**clicking on follow**. There... I'm now a proud Muslimah follower of your blog! ^^ Ahamduiliah! Keep up the blog, masha'allah! :)


  4. @ Yasmeen: Wa Alaikum Assalam, sis. Thanks for your comment, and for following. InshaAllah, I hope you will continue reading..
