Thursday, February 24, 2011

Most Commonly Asked Questions about Islam / Muslims - Part III


No! Muslims do not worship Muhammad nor do they worship any other Prophets, Saints, or created things. It is not permissible for a Muslim to pray, supplicate, or direct any type of worship to any created thing in rivalry to the Lord of all that exists. Allaah says: " Say (to them Muhammad), ‘I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your God is One God. So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the Worship of his Lord.' " (Qur’an 18:110)


As we examine Allaah’s creation, we will inevitably conclude that all things have a purpose. If we look at the delicate balance of our universe, as vast as it is, orchestrated in perfect synchronization. The human body and its various different processes like thought, movement, vision and its ability to heal itself. The earth and its countless number of life forms, various plants, vegetables and animals. The weather system, the seasons and the water cycle. Surely, these things have some purpose, more so for human beings. Allaah says: " And We (Allaah) created not the spirits and men, except that they should worship Me (alone)." 51:56 As the verse states in question #8,all things are in a state of submission to the Creator by following the natural laws that they have been created for. We were born in a state of submission, not in a state of sin as we had no choice in the matter and we will die in submission. Between these two time spans, man has been given the rational ability to choose to submit to his Creator. Know for surety that we will all die and none of us knows when we’re going to die. Isn’t it time you submitted to your Lord?


No. On the contrary, 1400 years ago Islam liberated women. At that time in Europe, Christian scholars were debating whether women had souls, if yes, did they have animal souls or human souls? Until recently women were stripped of their last names to illustrate that they were the property of their husbands. As for Islam, women are equal to men in all acts of piety, they keep their last names, they are allowed to keep their own money, choose who they want to marry, have the right to seek a divorce, have the right to inheritance and have the right to be protected and maintained by their husbands. They have been dignified and exonerated by the Hijab (Islamic covering). In the West, women are portrayed as sex objects to be used and discarded. We see them being used to sell cars, alcohol and even bubble gum. In Islam, women have been elevated to a stature that surpasses the roles placed upon them by any religion or culture. Women are not to be abused or oppressed but they are to be respected and cared for. As a result, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world amongst women.


Yes! Islam regulated matrimony in that men are permitted to marry up to four wives provided they treat them fairly and equally. The man must first be financially capable to take another wife, provide different residences and be able to divide his time equally amongst them. In the western society many men who are married to only one wife usually have extramarital affairs. Thus a survey was published in the USA Today (April 4, 1988; Section D) which asked 4700 mistresses, what would they like their status to be (mistress or second wife). They said, "I prefer being a second wife rather than the other woman". The reasons for this are that they didn’t have any legal rights, nor did they have the financial equality of the legally married wives and it appeared that these men were using them. Islam is clearly against extra or premarital affairs (fornication) as this leads to corruption in the society and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t people feel bad when they have children out of wedlock? These children have the right to grow up knowing that they have parents who are responsible enough to have planned to bring them into the world. No one would like to be told that they were an accident. As for those against polygyny, statistics show that because of wars there are more women in the world than there are men. Other reasons are, most married men engage in extramarital affairs and there is an increase in homosexuality amongst men, thus causing an excess amount of women to men. The Islamic solution of polygyny is the best solution to the seemingly difficult problems that plague our society in our man to woman relationships.


Jesus, the son of Mary is a servant and Messenger of Allaah. Allaah says in the Qur’an that Jesus was born of a miraculous birth; "Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allaah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said unto him: ‘Be’ and he was." (Qur’an 3:59). He performed many miracles as a Prophet by Allaah’s permission such as resurrecting the dead, healing the blind and sick, making a living bird out of clay and speaking as new born infant. Jesus brought the same message as the other Prophets. He is not to be worshipped as the "Son of God!" Jesus was raised alive up to Allaah from where he will return to re-establish the Law of Allaah on earth.


Your Creator says: "Surely, they have disbelieved who say:
‘Allaah is the Messiah (Jesus).’; But the Messiah said, ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord.’ Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the polytheists there are no helpers. Surely, the disbelievers are those who said, ‘Allaah is a third of the three (in a trinity).’ But there is no god but the One God. And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them. Will they not repent to Allaah and ask for His Forgiveness? For Allaah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary is no more than a Messenger. Many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food (As other human beings, while Allaah does not eat). Look how Allaah makes the revelations clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth
)." (Qur’an 5:72-75)

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